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Like all the Thanes he is loyal to Duncan and hates any traitors (Cawdor, Macbeth). He also seems quite quiet, three of his scenes he does not speak. The other thanes respect him and follow his battleplan in the final scenes, but not without input.


Many of the Minor characters in the play are known by their titles. e.g.: Ross. Angus, despite being a relatively common given name, refers to the Mormaerdom, later Earldom, of Angus. Unfortunately there is no recorded mormaer at this period. Cuncar of Angus was mormaer in the mid 10th century, about 100 years before the play. However the dates are vague at best, it is a fact however that his daughter Finella was responsible for the murder of Kenneth II in 995. Finella then killed herself to avoid capture.

The next recorded Mormaer was called Gille who had no chance of being our Angus because he is stated as existing in 1150 making at the least 110 years old (assuming he was born when Duncan was overthrown witch he wasn't)


Possible Descendant of Dubacan of Angus

Possible ancestor of Gille Brigite of Angus


to Macbeth: 'We are sent, To give thee from our royal master thanks'

'Who was the thane lives yet;, But under heavy judgment bears that life, Which he deserves to lose.

'Near Birnam wood, Shall we well meet them; that way are they coming.'

'Now does he [Macbeth] feel, His secret murders sticking on his hands;'

'Those he[Macbeth] commands move only in command, Nothing in love'

'his[Macbeth] title, Hang[s] loose about him, like a giant's robe, Upon a dwarfish thief.'

Narrative Purpose[]

Angus is really a character of two halves, in act 1 he is portrayed as the innocent stoker of Macbeths ambitions but also as a devoted servant to Duncan.late in the play he is used to present how Macbeths actions have turned his kingdom against him. The reason Shakespeare brings back Angus and doesn't add another nondescript thane is to show to the audience how Macbeths actions directly caused the rebellion not that he only fell prey to scheming untrustworthy thanes. Angus is one of the many examples in of an ambitionless version of Macbeth, even Macduff and Banquo have clear goals in the play but Angus and the other minor thanes seem far more content with the status quo.


Act 1 scene 3- Brings the news to Macbeth (character), with Ross that Macbeth is Thane of Cawdor, although Ross actually bestows the title, it is only after Angus tells Macbeth that the Thane of Cawdor is dead that he accepts it.

Act 1 scene 4-Accompanies Macbeth and Banquo to an audience with Duncan.

Act 1 scene 6-Angus is at the banquet

Act 5 scene 2-Angus is one of the more important minor nobles present at the plans for the battle of Dunsinane and he is the one that plans to meet Macbeth in Birnam wood.

Act 5 scene 4-Angus's last appearance, he is again present at the battle plans but does input this time, he is last seen marching towards the castle with a branch. he may have died in the fighting.



v - e - dMacbeth
Macbeth | Lady Macbeth | Banquo | Fleance | Duncan | Lady Macduff | Macduff | Macduff's Son | The Three Witches | Malcolm | Lennox | Donalbain | Macdonwald | Ross | Angus | Sweno | Thane of Cawdor | Sinel | Ross | Angus | Thane of Cawdor | Lennox | Donalbain | Ross | Angus | Donalbain | Lennox | Ross | Angus | Macbeth | Macbeth | Donalbain | Lennox | Ross | Lennox | Ross | Hecate | Edward | Siward | Hecate | Lennox | Ross | Menteith | Caithness | Angus | Lennox | Seyton